Wednesday, January 22, 2014

52 Lists - Week Three

This year I'm participating in Moorea Seal's 52 Lists project - a new list every week this year! Since I love making lists of things, I'm inflicting them on all of you. Head on over to her site HERE to check out all the lovely lists or join in yourself!

Week 3: List the Things You Should be Proud Of
Things to be proud of... I have to admit, this list was hard for me. Really hard. In the last few years I've often said (and sincerely felt) that my life is on pause.  But thinking about it, and digging a little deeper, I found that I have accomplished things and that there are things in my life that I should be really proud of. Here's my list:

+ my job      + teaching Catechism
+ I'm coping well with my anxiety
+ I haven't killed Gary yet
+ I manage my money well enough to pay bills, buy food, and put a little away in my savings
+ I'm eating a lot healthier these days
+ my relationship with my sisters has really improved
+ I was brave and went on the Young Adult Ministry retreat in November
+ I was brave and joined the Life-Teen retreat team
+ how much more writing I'm doing this year
+ I'm getting to work earlier and saving up hours for vacation
+ I'm being consistent and tackling big organization tasks at home regularly
+ I'm a much more skilled knitter than I was 3 years ago

I feel like that's a list to be proud of.

So what have you done lately that you can be proud of?  Let me know in the comments or however you like.

Peace, love, and sunshiney thoughts,


For more fun with 52 Lists, click down on "52 Lists" in the little categories section at the bottom of the post, and go over to Moorea Seal's site to see more!

Check out Moorea Seal's entire project at her blog below: 

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